20 febrero, 2012

Cocina / Kitchen

Os vamos a contar nuestro ultimo home staging! Era un piso antiguo pero bien conservado. En la cocina teniamos un rincon que se nos quedaba algo vacio.

I'm going to tell you about my last home staging. It was an old flat but in good conditions. In the kitchen we have a corner that was empty. You can see it in the left side.

El propietario no entendia muy bien cual era nuestra labor hasta que vio el resultado. La casa llevaba 8 meses sin ser alquilada con todos los costes y perdida de ingresos que eso conlleva. Hicimos algunos pequeños cambios y se alquilo en 15 días! no esta mal digo yo!

The owner didn't undertand what we do until he saw the results. The flat was 8 months empty and the owner had to pay the costs and he didn't have any rent. We made some changing and it was rented in 15 days. It was great!

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